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Spot treatment with microfractionated CO2 laser


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The Co2 microfractionated laser offers skin rejuvenation in less than an hour in almost all cases. Co2 is ideal for the treatment of sun-damaged skin, blemishes, fine lines, wrinkles, to improve skin texture and acne scars. Co2 not only delivers amazing results but also does so quickly and safely. We have told the secret and the benefits of the Co2 laser speak for themselves: - Minimum disability time - Quick recovery - Quick treatment - Low risks - Very good results - Personalized treatment - Non-invasive - Regenerated skin - Multiple problems addressed at once - Use of very little anesthesia What is the microfractionated CO2 laser for? Wrinkles, uneven pigmentation, sun spots and sagging can be reduced or eliminated with Co2 microfractional laser therapy. Also if you have acne scars or other skin damage, then you may also be a candidate for this procedure. Now with the use of this innovative laser technology, Co2 therapy, in less than 30 minutes in the office  your skin can be restored to a more youthful appearance. While the aging process cannot be stopped, with proper care you can keep your skin rejuvenated for many years! Benefits of Co2 Minimum recovery time (5 to 10 days), fast healing, adapts to each patient to achieve personalized results, minimal discomfort, no bleeding, treats different types of skin problems, the treatment also includes face, eyelids, neck and hands. There are no side effects. How Co2 therapy works Co2 Therapy Laser skin rejuvenation. The secret has been told. - Reverses the appearance of skin damaged by sun and age. - Improves the texture and firmness of the skin. - Fades wrinkles and expression lines. - Reduces the consequences of acne and scars. - Renew your skin. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS What is Co2 therapy? Co2 therapy is a new way to transform the skin and regenerate its overall appearance. Co2 can reverse the appearance of skin damaged by the sun or age, reduces fine lines and wrinkles and minimizes acne scars. Because Co2 offers the desired result with minimal downtime, and is also replacing the traditional laser, Co2 is the method of choice to treat medium to moderate intensity damage to the skin.

How does Co2 therapy work? Co2 is setting a new standard for skin rejuvenation. During the procedure, the specialist will apply small, controlled laser pulses to your skin. Co2 is a personalized procedure for each skin type. The specialist can adjust the parameters to adapt the intensity of the treatment to get the best results. Co2 creates thousands of microscopic precise points in your skin, immediately inducing firming and stimulating collagen. Patients are surprised at how firm their skin feels immediately after the procedure. Co2 is designed to improve texture and pigmentation and to reduce expression lines, wrinkles and acne scars. Unlike other types of lasers, Co2 provides areas of healthy tissue around the microscopic points. This allows the skin to heal faster and minimize damage. Co2 Procedure Details Am I a candidate for Co2 treatment? Co2 can be performed on anyone with signs of aging on the skin How is it the procedure? Before the procedure, an anesthetic cream will be applied to your skin so that the procedure is as uncomfortable as possible. Intravenous sedation is not required. While you are lying comfortably in the procedure chair, your skin is immediately renewed with the microfractional Co2 laser. The laser will slide around the area to be treated. After the procedure, your skin will look reddened similar to severe sun exposure, which will last a couple of days. By the third or fourth day you will begin to notice the shedding of the old skin and in turn you will notice the presence of your new skin. In most cases the skin will return to normal within the next seven to ten days. After the laser procedure is completed, cold air will be applied. During the recovery period, moisturizing cream will be applied to keep the skin hydrated. After three days of the procedure, makeup can be applied. How long does the procedure last? In most cases, a full face is treated in twenty minutes. Small areas take less time.

How many treatments are required? In most cases, a single session provides excellent results. Either way, people with severe wrinkles or deep acne scars will have better results with several sessions, allowing a month to pass between each one. What precautions should I take after the procedure to maintain the results? Basic skin care, ranging from daily cleansing to sunscreen, is the key to ensuring long-lasting results. Always use sunscreen and avoid direct exposure to the sun, especially in the weeks following the procedure. Is Co2 treatment safe? Co2 has been authorized by the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) Co2 is safer than other laser treatments. Because it does not require sedation, only anesthesia creams. Because the Co2 microfractionated laser offers the specialist more control and adaptation to treat problems faster and more precisely. The skin between each laser point is left intact, allowing for faster recovery. Co2 does not leave marks as deep as traditional lasers, which generally cause pain and bruising. Co2 leaves a wide, superficial mark for quick recovery, is minimally invasive and safe, while providing excellent results. CAREFUL! DO NOT GET CONFUSED! DON'T LET THEM FOOLE YOU! IT IS NOT THE SAME DR. SOLANO PLASTIC SURGEON WHO DR. SOLANO CLINICAL AESTHETIC MEDICAL! I DO NOT WORK IN A SPA OR AESTHETIC CENTER, ONLY IN THE SAN JUAN DE DIOS HOSPITAL.

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